I was flipping through the Land's End catalog this morning and apparently dog sweaters are very "in" right now. I like Land's End's style a lot, so if I see something in their catalog I know it must be classy, right? Well I found not one, but FIVE dog sweaters for sale in this one catalog! Two of them match human sweaters and the other three are personalizable with embroidered initials and all that. Maybe this will inspire me to finish that fair isle doggy sweater I started a year or two ago...its for a small Jack Russell, it can't take me that long to knit, can it?

Oh, so funny! I thought the same thing, in fact, I just got my Brown Sheep shipment to start some for my dogs. DH is not optomistic about the pups actually wearing them. Good luck!
I have two little dogs that love dog clothes. My lab on the otherhand wouldnt mind a sweater of her own! "I think!"
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