Several things came off the needles last night and today. Last night I finished the first of the Fishnet Stockings from Lingerie Style and cast on for the second (its about half finished now). I am really pleased with how they are turning out but have no idea what to wear them with!

I also (FINALLY) finished the Surplice Bodice Cami, also from Lingerie Style. This one had been sitting on the needles almost finished for a month-- I just couldn't get inspired to get it out and finish it. I'm glad I did though, I think I may wear it to work/open knit night tomorrow.
And Chris finished his first real project! And its also from the Lingerie Style book (my current favorite, can you tell?). He made a pair of panties, hehe. It was actually a great beginner project because it required knitting, purling, increasing, decreasing and, a new skill, picking up stitches. And YOs. All the

basic skills needed. The next project he has in mind is the Silk Slip from the same book. It is more challenging and involves some beautiful lace. I think he can handle it. We dyed some beautiful red silk/merino yarn for it tonight-- we are calling the color Sangria. I can't wait to see how it looks dry. I think it might be my favorite color so far.
Chris does know that all knitters have to model what they knit - doesn't he? ;-)
The surplice body camisole is gorgeous and fits perfectly. You did a fabulous job, Laura!
P.S. Your comment cracked me up, Bean!
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