Socks: Lots of them. I have a pair of Widdershins out of Miss Bab's yarn in "Woodland Viola", a toe-up of my own design out of Tinsel Toes by The Painted Sheep in "Maya" and am about to cast on a pair of padded footlets from Favorite Socks out of Foot Prints by The Painted Sheep, in a color that was created by Chris.
Tops: Three. 1) Ribby Shell by ChicKnits in white Debbie Bliss Cashmerino. This is my mindless knitting project, it is simple ribs, no shaping, no thinking required. 2) Rockport Vest by Oat Couture out of dark olive green Schulanna Cotton-Merino; Christmas present for my grandma

Other. Chair seat for an old rocking chair. Free pattern from Knit1, designed by Annie Modesitt.
Recently Finished: Plush Piggy, as a present for one of my knitting friends who was just in a car accident.
And, I just packed up a box of gifts for my exchange buddy. This is my first knitting exchange and is tea themed, so I have included some special teas and other treats along with knitting goodies. I can't wait to see if she likes it...and to unpack my own box!!
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