Where do I start? First of all, I met Eunny. She was shocked when I asked for her to autograph my copy of Interweave Knits but I explained to her that she needed to get used to being a celebrity. I hope to see her and many other "famous" bloggers (isn't it great that w/ blogs anyone can be famous?) at a
blogger lunch meet-and-greet tomorrow. How exciting! Tomorrow I hope to do some relaxing and socializing but today was busy-busy-busy. The number of vendors (and sheep) was overwhelming. My mom and I bought a bunch of roving, a little bit of yarn (we tried hard to resist) and a raw fleece from a Jacob sheep. Mom is going to wash it and comb it into roving which I am then going to hand dye. Can't wait to see how that turns out. My favorite yarn buy was a skein of
Cherry Tree Hill Super Sock in a bright red/orange/yellow color (Sugar Maple is the name, I think). I also got some amazingly cheap ($1 for 150grams) yarn from The Little Barn. It is blue/gray/white and made from organic cotton and "Ecospun"-- recycled soda bottles. I bought enough to make a summer beach-style bag or something fun like that. Its not particularly soft but the color is bright and it feels durable. We got a ton of roving for the
shop (so please buy it all so that I don't have to feel guilty for over shopping!!). We also learned a LOT about the different breeds of sheep and are trying to collect handouts, photos and samples of the fiber of as many as possible. Oh, and I fell in love with Tess's Designer Yarns. Wow, she has some nice stuff. Lots of silk and silk/merino blends. The yarn was just a little too expensive for me to afford right now (though worth every penny, I'm sure) so I settled with just buying a pattern for a amazing lace sweater (Lotus Rag). I also picked up a sweater pattern (Sahara) from Stitch Diva at the Tilli Thomas booth--another place with amazing but pricey silk yarns. I love silk, by the way. Finally, I bought several (ok more than several) types of natural dyes to experiment with. Natural dyes can be difficult to dye with and very inconsistent, but fun to experiment with. Plus I know that Ann Marie wants some natural dyed yarn! Thats all for now, I'll post another update after tomorrow!